
Martin, S. (2024) Performing Bodies / Performing Relationships. In: Tau, R., Kloetzer, L., Henein, S. (eds.) Barefoot Academic Teaching: Performing Arts as Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Edition Scenario. Berlin: Schibri. Bauer, L.; Boos, P.; Martin, S.; Nöthen, E.; Reuter, G. (2023) Er-Fahrung – Cycling Spaces im Salon Raumverstehen: Mobilitätspraktiken im Quartier geographisch-künstlerisch beforschen.… Continue reading publications

Residential Workshop Italy 15 – 20 Sept 2023 Susanne & Francesco

MOVING INSIDE OUTSIDE Contact Improvisation – Push Hands (Tai Chi) – Qi Gong – Partnering – Outdoor Explorations – Performance Scores  Intensive dance workshop with Susanne Martin and Francesco Zita at Casina Settarte, Puglia Italy, 15 – 20 September 2023 Susanne’s teaching is based in contact improvisation, instant composition and 30 years of creating performances… Continue reading Residential Workshop Italy 15 – 20 Sept 2023 Susanne & Francesco

Was ist Tanz? Seniorenakademie SKAT 2022

Centre Français Berlin, April 2022Mit Susanne Martin und Jan Burkhardt Durch eine Mischung von Vortrag, Workshop und Performance widmen wir uns einigen zentralen Tanzthemen wie zum Beispiel: Wonach gucken wir, wenn wir Tanz sehen?Woran denken wir, wenn wir selbst tanzen?Wie verhält sich Tanz zu Ton und zu Musik?Was könnte man wissen und was will ich… Continue reading Was ist Tanz? Seniorenakademie SKAT 2022

Artistic Research Project: Improvisation for Scientists

Photo: Gordon Below

A postdoctoral research project at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, hosted by Instant-Lab, Prof. Simon Henein. My artistic research is part of the interdisciplinary research project ASCOPET (Les arts de la scène comme outil pédagogique dans l’enseignement tertiaire), a collaboration between Prof. Simon Henein, EPFL and Prof. Laure Kloetzer, University of Neuchatel (Unine).… Continue reading Artistic Research Project: Improvisation for Scientists

Performing Improvisation – VARIA Festival Sweden 2018

19/20 October 2018 at Konstepidemin Göteborg Participating artists:Susanne Martin choreographer, dancer (DE)Irena Z. Tomažin voice artist, dancer (SI)Alessio Castellacci composer, voice artist (IT/DE)Alex Nowitz composer, voice artist (DE)Hui-Chun Lin musician, composer-artist (TW/DE)Lisa Larsdotter Petersson performance and visual -artist (S)Video-light installation & video documentation – Christina Hallström filmmaker, visual artist (NL/S) Moderator conversation – Jannine Rivel… Continue reading Performing Improvisation – VARIA Festival Sweden 2018

teaching lately

– SS 2022 Erst- und Zweitbegegnungen mit Tanzimprovisation Evangelische Hochschule Berlin – SS 2022 Tanzimprovisation & Methoden künstlerischer Forschung Evangelische Hochschule Berlin- – 3.5.2022 Body and Voice in Teaching, Workshop EPFL Lausanne – 27.4.2022 Was ist Tanz? Workshop / Lecture Performance zusammen mit Jan Burkhardt, Centre Francais Berlin, –  Somatic Research and Documentation Workshop… Continue reading teaching lately

Duet improvisations with AKiiiM (2017)

Photo: Ulrike Eckel

-10 April 2017, deluxe expérimental performance! at Merlin’s Berlin, venue: Maze, Berlin Kreuzberg -06 April 2017, Understanding Dance for Beginners and Intermediates: after Loie Fuller at 7 minutes of fame, venue: Stammtisch, Berlin Neukölln

What do I teach (in 2019)?

Photo Eugene Titov

My teaching deals mainly with dance, improvisation, performance, the body in different contexts, artistic research methods, or topics such as such as dance & age(ing) or improvisation & engineering, which developed out of my own artistic research. In which formats do I teach? – Workshops / Classes = practice oriented, limited time for verbal interaction… Continue reading What do I teach (in 2019)?

Doctor D meets Doctor V 2016

Susanne Martin and Alex Nowitz Premiere: July 7, 2016, at festival Improvisation Xchange Berlin – berlin arts united at Dock 11, BerlinDuration: 60 min An interdisciplinary dialogue between two artistic research projects, one based in dance, the other in voice/live electronics(spoken language English)In this three-part performance Susanne Martin and Alex Nowitz each share, explain, and… Continue reading Doctor D meets Doctor V 2016

TIN Pieces (London 2015)

23.10. 2015 Middlesex University London ‘TIN Pieces’ is a playful evening of improvised performance by members of the TransDisciplinary Improvisation Network (TIN) based at Middlesex University and their guests.Exploring processes of instant composition, within and across dance, music and theatre the event promises to be a lively celebration of all things spontaneous. The evening is… Continue reading TIN Pieces (London 2015)

Korsobad: on Stage (2014)

Photo: Steffen Rüttinger

Photos Steffen Rüttinger 07.06.2014Duet with Gabriele ReuterSolo (work in progress for The Fountain of Age)Group improvisation with all performers Ein Abend mit kurzen Tanzstücken, Improvisationen und Live Musik, kuratiert von Gabriele Reuter. Diesmal mit Solos von Susanne Martin, Maria Colusi, Lutz Streun (Saxophon) und Previews der neuen Stücke von Philip Amann und Gabriele Reuter/Mattef Kuhlmey.… Continue reading Korsobad: on Stage (2014)

Korsobad: On Stage (Berlin 2014)

Duet Todd Ford & Susanne Martin Korsobad: on stage : short dance performances, live music, drinks and DJ, curated by Gabriele Reuter 07.02.2014With: Lutz Streun, Gabriele Reuter, Zaratina Randrianantenaina, Susanne Martin, Annapaola Leso, Todd Ford, Maria Marta Colusi, DJ Montage

Meeting Point Berlin, 24.11.13

The Meeting Point Berlin 2013 at Kunstquatier Bethanien is curated by Mireia Aragonés Carol. The performers of Meeting Point on 24. Nov.: Mireia Aragones, Rosella Canciello, Naima Ferre, Henrik Kaalund, Florian Knoblich, Susanne Martin, Sarah Simeoni, Barbara Topi,

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #5 #6 #10 Leicester

#530.10.2011 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Jo Breslin, Sally Doughty, Marie Fitzpatrick & Kerry Francksen #627.11.2011 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Pete Shenton, Miriam Keye, Annie Woodhouse, Rachel Liggitt #1003.11.2012 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Caroline Bowditch, Jo Breslin, Jill Cowley & Sally Doughty Thank you for the support of Embrace Arts… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #5 #6 #10 Leicester

Hoppalappa Postfolki Tanzi Teateri 2008 – 2012

An improvisational performance project byKatarina Eriksson (San Francisco)Susanne Martin (Berlin)Bronja Novak Lindblad (Gothenburg)Coaching: Andrew MorrishProduction: Big WindSupported by: the city of Gothenburg and Statens Kulturråd The studio version:Sept. 2008, Konstepidemin Gothenburg The stage version:Premiered 23.5.2009, Atalante, GothenburgPerformance time: 75 minLight: Victor WendinTouring: Stockholm, Malmö, Berlin The site specific version:June 2012 in Gothenburg At the intersection… Continue reading Hoppalappa Postfolki Tanzi Teateri 2008 – 2012