Performance & Book Release “Barefoot Academic Teaching”

link to book publication HEREThis book delves into essential, yet often overlooked, aspects of educational and scientific practices:the involvement of the body in knowledge acquisition and production, the collective nature of creativity, and the potent role of improvisation in all living actions. It is the culmination of a 4-year research endeavour on Performing Arts as… Continue reading Performance & Book Release “Barefoot Academic Teaching”

lecture performances improvisation for scientists

27 October 2020 Improvisation für die Universität? Gewohnheiten in Bewegung Lecture Performance, Saalfrei Festival Stuttgart 21 January 2020 Improvising to Collaborate – Collaborating to Improvise research presentation with Martin Sonderkamp during the annual research week at the University of the Arts Stockholm June 2019 Bodies in the Making interactive danced lecture with generous participation of … Continue reading lecture performances improvisation for scientists

Newest Article: Embodying Recognition

Photo: Simon Henein, ASCOPET symposium 13 June 2019 "Learning to Improvise..."

Dance Improvisation for Scientists My new artistic research article /exposition is in the Research Catalogue (2023) OPEN ACCESS – GO HERE From the perspective of a dance artist and artistic researcher, I trace the details of how and why I created events for scientists to encounter dance improvisation through shared exploration and shared reflection. Interlacing… Continue reading Newest Article: Embodying Recognition

Article: Dancing with Real Bodies

Dancing with Real Bodies: Dance Improvisation for Engineering, Science, and Architecture Students is published in “Algorithmic and Aesthetic Literacy 2021 OPEN ACCESS HERE How can dance improvisation contribute to learning processes within a technical university? This article proposes an answer to this question from the perspective of an artistic researcher and dancer who specializes in… Continue reading Article: Dancing with Real Bodies

Artistic Research Project: Improvisation for Scientists

Photo: Gordon Below

A postdoctoral research project at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, hosted by Instant-Lab, Prof. Simon Henein. My artistic research is part of the interdisciplinary research project ASCOPET (Les arts de la scène comme outil pédagogique dans l’enseignement tertiaire), a collaboration between Prof. Simon Henein, EPFL and Prof. Laure Kloetzer, University of Neuchatel (Unine).… Continue reading Artistic Research Project: Improvisation for Scientists