It’s done! The final publication of our ASCOPET research project, which kept me busy and curious about dance improvisation for engineering students, teachers and researchers since 2018.
Performing Improvisation with L’Âme de Fonds 2023
– Thur 28 December 2023, 19:00, “Tympanum“. – Fr 29 December 2023, 19:00, “Les choses comme elles sont“. – Sat 30 December 2023, 19:00, “E X I (S) T“. Location: Studio Zwischenraum, Mauerrain 5, 3012, Bern With Peter Aerni, Giacomo Calabrese,Simon Halbedo, Chantal Langlotz, Susanne Martin
Performing Improvisation with L’Âme de Fonds 2021
Au beau milieu / Au bas mot, 29/30 Dec 2021, Neuchatel, Switzerland with Peter Aerni, Giacomo Calabrese, Simon Halbedo,, Chantal Langlotz, Simone Marty, Susanne Martin
Three Cornered Circle 2020
Trio Improvisation, Saalfrei Festival Stuttgart 23.10.2020Maya Carroll (Tanz), Susanne Martin (Tanz), Kurt Holzkämper (Musik)
Stromen 2019
Duet improvisation with Simon Wenger (Basel)26 November 2019 Stromen & group improvisation with the Frenesi Trio, FIM Basel, Switzerland29 November 2019 Stromen with participation of Kurt Holzkämper & group improvisation with Instant PIG // Stuttgart, SAAL FREI Stuttgart, Germany
Performing Improvisation – VARIA Festival Sweden 2018
19/20 October 2018 at Konstepidemin Göteborg Participating artists:Susanne Martin choreographer, dancer (DE)Irena Z. Tomažin voice artist, dancer (SI)Alessio Castellacci composer, voice artist (IT/DE)Alex Nowitz composer, voice artist (DE)Hui-Chun Lin musician, composer-artist (TW/DE)Lisa Larsdotter Petersson performance and visual -artist (S)Video-light installation & video documentation – Christina Hallström filmmaker, visual artist (NL/S) Moderator conversation – Jannine Rivel… Continue reading Performing Improvisation – VARIA Festival Sweden 2018
Performing Improvisation with L’Âme de Fonds 2017
28 – 30 December 2017 at L’Arsenic Lausanne, Switzerland with Giacomo Calabrese, Simon Henein, Chantal Langlotz, Lukas Langlotz, Susanne Martin, Alexandra Mcdonald, and morePhotos: Giacoma Calabrese, Simon Henein
Performing Improvisation at Bucharest Contact Improvisation Festival (2017)
22 June 2017, group improvisation performance of the teachers at Bucharest Contact Improvisation Festival, with Steven Batts, Inna Falkova, Elisa Ghion, Sergey Golovnya, Susanne Martin, Virginia Negru, Adrian Russi, Alexandra Soshnikova, venue: CNDB (Centrul Național al Dansului Bucuresti)
Duet improvisations with AKiiiM (2017)
-10 April 2017, deluxe expérimental performance! at Merlin’s Berlin, venue: Maze, Berlin Kreuzberg -06 April 2017, Understanding Dance for Beginners and Intermediates: after Loie Fuller at 7 minutes of fame, venue: Stammtisch, Berlin Neukölln
In Search for the Collective – Possibly a Solo – Probably an Improvisation (2016)
A recomposing of the opening scene of my solo The Fountain of Age (2014) -14 October 2016, Body IQ Festival, Somatische Akademie, Berlin -15 October 2016, Tatwerk Berlin
I See Red (Berlin 2016)
I SEE RED / Interventions An improvisation event by Peter Pleyer and Michiel KeuperGuests: Zen Jefferson, Andrea Keiz, Susanne MartinDock 11, Berlin 11. – 13. March 2016 Inspired by the history of interventions by artists and designers in the field of choreography and vice versa, dancer/choreographer Peter Pleyer and visual composer/designer Michiel Keuper use this… Continue reading I See Red (Berlin 2016)
TIN Pieces (London 2015)
23.10. 2015 Middlesex University London ‘TIN Pieces’ is a playful evening of improvised performance by members of the TransDisciplinary Improvisation Network (TIN) based at Middlesex University and their guests.Exploring processes of instant composition, within and across dance, music and theatre the event promises to be a lively celebration of all things spontaneous. The evening is… Continue reading TIN Pieces (London 2015)
Korsobad: on Stage – Wagner Trio (2014)
Photos Steffen Rüttinger A series curated by Gabriele Reuter15.11.2014Das Wagnertrio: Susanne Martin, Anna Melnikova and Gabriele Reuter
Performing Improvisation 2014
10 July 2014 Duet with Katarina Eriksson and quartet with Gabriele Reuter, Rick Nodine and Katarina at Tanzfabrik Summer Workshop Festival, Venue: Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg
Korsobad: on Stage (2014)
Photos Steffen Rüttinger 07.06.2014Duet with Gabriele ReuterSolo (work in progress for The Fountain of Age)Group improvisation with all performers Ein Abend mit kurzen Tanzstücken, Improvisationen und Live Musik, kuratiert von Gabriele Reuter. Diesmal mit Solos von Susanne Martin, Maria Colusi, Lutz Streun (Saxophon) und Previews der neuen Stücke von Philip Amann und Gabriele Reuter/Mattef Kuhlmey.… Continue reading Korsobad: on Stage (2014)
Korsobad: On Stage (Berlin 2014)
Duet Todd Ford & Susanne Martin Korsobad: on stage : short dance performances, live music, drinks and DJ, curated by Gabriele Reuter 07.02.2014With: Lutz Streun, Gabriele Reuter, Zaratina Randrianantenaina, Susanne Martin, Annapaola Leso, Todd Ford, Maria Marta Colusi, DJ Montage
Meeting Point Berlin, 24.11.13
The Meeting Point Berlin 2013 at Kunstquatier Bethanien is curated by Mireia Aragonés Carol. The performers of Meeting Point on 24. Nov.: Mireia Aragones, Rosella Canciello, Naima Ferre, Henrik Kaalund, Florian Knoblich, Susanne Martin, Sarah Simeoni, Barbara Topi,
Performing Improvisation 2013
Improvisation during summer workshop festival at Tanzfabrik Berlin, 24.7.2013 Simonetta Alessandri, Susanne Martin, Rick Nodine, Gabriele Reuter Photos: AnnA Stein
Performing Improvisation 2012
19.07.2012Performing Improvisation with Ray Chung, Katarina Eriksson, Gabriele Reuter. Tanzfabrik Berlin
GIF – Granada Improvisation Festival 2010
Organized by Mamen Agüera Pérez With Veronica Garcon Toldos; Kateřina Dietzová; Eckhard Müller; Mamen Agüera Pérez and others.Thanks to Mamen and the unknown photographer!!
Performing Improvisation – Freistil Spezial
Tanz Hoch Zwei Festival 04.04.2010 at Tanzfabrik BerlinTrio with Julieta Figueras, Gabriele Reuter; duet with Valeria Primost
Rosi bei Freistil – Die Kunst der Improvisation (2008/2009)
„Material zu Rosi tanzt Rosi“ Eine Soloimprovisation Freistil at Tanzfabrik Berlin 6. 4. 2008 Was macht Tanz lesbar für die Zuschauer?Was ist der Text eines Tanzes?Wie erhalte ich meine Freiheit in der Improvisation, wenn ich mit klaren thematischen Grenzen und Narration arbeite? “Neuigkeiten aus der Rosi-Welt“ eine Improvisation von Susanne Martin Freistil at Tanzfabrik Berlin… Continue reading Rosi bei Freistil – Die Kunst der Improvisation (2008/2009)