Martin, S. (2024) Performing Bodies / Performing Relationships. In: Tau, R., Kloetzer, L., Henein, S. (eds.) Barefoot Academic Teaching: Performing Arts as Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Edition Scenario. Berlin: Schibri.
Bauer, L.; Boos, P.; Martin, S.; Nöthen, E.; Reuter, G. (2023) Er-Fahrung – Cycling Spaces im Salon Raumverstehen: Mobilitätspraktiken im Quartier geographisch-künstlerisch beforschen. In: Singer, K.; Schmidt, K.; Neuburger, M. (eds.) Artographies – Kreativ-künstlerische Zugänge zu einer machtkritischen Raumforschung. Bielefeld: transcript. [open access]
Martin, S. (2023) ‘Embodying Recognition: Dance Improvisation for Scientists‘, Research Catalogue [open access]
Haller, M. and Martin, S. (2022) Ageing trouble tanzen! In: Hiesl, A. und Kaiser, R. (eds.) War schön. Kann weg: Altern in der darstellenden Kunst. Berlin: Theater der Zeit.
Martin, S. (2021) Performing Age(ing): A Lecture Performance. In: Hülsen-Esch, A. (ed.) Cultural Perspectives on Aging: A Different Approach to Old Age and Aging. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 149-162. [open access]
Martin, S. and Rustad, H. (2021) exploring convergence: an embodied research exchange of two dance improvisers. In: Howden Sjøvaag J., Peters, D., Mydland. A. H. (eds.) Crisis Collective: relic site – contributions to a lost conference. Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen. [open access]
Martin, S. (2021) Dancing with Real Bodies: Dance Improvisation for Engineering, Science, and Architecture Students. In: Schulze Heuling, Lydia and Filk, Christian (eds.) Algorithmic and Aesthetic Literacy. Emerging Transdisciplinary Explorations for the Digital Age. Opladen: Barbara Budrich. (open access) [open access]
Martin, S. (2020) Dancing Age(ing): 3000 Bewegungen und 1000 Worte an deren Ende wir alle 40 Minuten älter sein werden. In: Stronegger, W. J. und Attems, K. (Hrsg.) Altersbilder und Sorgestrukturen. 3. Goldegger Dialogforum Mensch und Endlichkeit. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Seite 63 – 80.
Kloetzer, L., Henein, S., Tau, R., Martin, S., Valterio, J. (2020) Teaching Through Performing Arts in Higher Education: Examples in Engineering and Psychology. Scenario 14 (2). [open access]
Kramer, P., Meehan, E., Martin, S., Voris, A. (2019) About Adequacy: Making Body-based Artistic Research Public. In: Bacon, J., Hilton, R., Kramer, P., and Midgelow V. (eds.) Researching (in/as) Motion: A Resource Collection, Artistic Doctorates in Europe, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki: Nivel 10. [open access]
Martin S. (2019) Ageing and Dance. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham.
Martin, S. (2019) book review on Mark Edward, Mesearch and the Performing Body. Dance Research, 37(1), pp. 120–121. [open access]
Martin, S. (2018) Learning. Teaching. Dancing. In: Cramer, F.A., Lanteri, J., Orlok, L., Stein, A. (eds.) Remembering the Future: 40 Jahre Tanzfabrik Berlin. Berlin: Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Raphael, R. and Martin, S. (2018) On Dance and Aging: An Interview with Berlin-Based Researcher-Dancer Susanne Martin. Review of Disability Studies, 14 (4). [open access]
Martin, S. (2017) Searching for the Fountain of Age: Script of a Danced Lecture. Proceedings of the conference Carpa 5: Perilious Experience? Extending Experience through Artistic Research. Uniarts Helsinki, Finnland. August 31 to September 2, 2017. [open access]
Martin S. (2017) Dancing Age(ing): Rethinking Age(ing) in and through Improvisation Practice and Performance. Bielefeld: transcript.