September 2017, Searching for the Fountain of Age – a danced lecture, Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA 5), Theatre Academy and the Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts
Helsinki, Finnland.
See publication here
7 July 2017, Improvising Age(ing) or dancing around the fountain of youth and the fountain of age – a danced lecture and workshop, Dance & Somatic Practices Conference, Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) Coventry University, UK
29 June 2017, Dancing Age(ing) as Artistic Research, Embodied Practice and Artistic Research: Debating European Artistic Doctorates in Dance and Performance, Seminar organised by Artistic Doctorates in Europe (ADiE), RESEARCH PAVILION: UTOPIA OF ACCESS, Biennale di Venezia 2017, Research Pavilion, Theatre Space
29 April 2017, Dancing Age(ing): Strategies for Rethinking Age(ing) in Contemporary Dance, ENAS Conference: Cultural Narratives, Processes and Strategies in Representations of Age and Aging, University of Graz, Austria