The Fountain of Youth & The Shadow 2013

Foto Lars Åsling, Graphic Sophie Jahnke

Photos Lars Åsling, Graphic Sophie Jahnke

The Shadow and The Fountain of Youth – Two Dances on Staying Alive

As a new step in their long-term collaboration Bronja Novak Lindblad (Göteborg) & Susanne Martin (Berlin) have created each a solo on the same subject: the facts of getting older and sustaining in the world of dance. ”The Shadow” by Novak  and ”The Fountain of Youth” by Martin are two creative and quirky responses to the exciting challenge of moving forward in time.

Premiere: 19 April 2013, Atalante, Gothenburg,
Additional performances:  Dance and Theatre Festival Gothenburg, Sweden,  2014. Venue: 3e våningen

Sound: Anna Gustavsson
Light: Thomas Dotzler
Production: Big Wind/ Sofia Åhrman,
Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, City of Gothenburg, Tanzfabrik Berlin

The Fountain of Youth

Photos Lars Åsling, Graphic Sophie Jahnke

A solo/ dance/ piece/ lecture/ performance by Susanne Martin
Duration: 45 min
Additional performances: Grove Theatre, Middlesex University London, November 2014

The Fountain of Youth
Is a dance on forever-youngness and on being old enough to tell the story differently

The Fountain of Youth
Is an untrustworthy lecture on trusting an ever-changing body

The Fountain of Youth
Is also a core part of my doctoral research in dance, dedicated to exploring and questioning dominant views on ageing dancing bodies through my own improvisation-based dance practice and performance making