I See Red (Berlin 2016)

I SEE RED / Interventions An improvisation event by Peter Pleyer and Michiel KeuperGuests: Zen Jefferson, Andrea Keiz, Susanne MartinDock 11, Berlin 11. – 13. March 2016 Inspired by the history of interventions by artists and designers in the field of choreography and vice versa, dancer/choreographer Peter Pleyer and visual composer/designer Michiel Keuper use this… Continue reading I See Red (Berlin 2016)

The Fountain of Age 2015

Photos W. Gillingham Sutton​​ A Solo / Dance / Piece / Lecture / Performance / Research This solo performance constitutes one of two artistic outcomes I present as part of my PhD dissertation Dancing Age(ing) at Middlesex University London. Premiere: 18 June 2015, Ravensfield Theatre MIddlesex University LondonDuration: 40 minSupported by: Middlesex University London, Tanzfabrik… Continue reading The Fountain of Age 2015

TIN Pieces (London 2015)

23.10. 2015 Middlesex University London ‘TIN Pieces’ is a playful evening of improvised performance by members of the TransDisciplinary Improvisation Network (TIN) based at Middlesex University and their guests.Exploring processes of instant composition, within and across dance, music and theatre the event promises to be a lively celebration of all things spontaneous. The evening is… Continue reading TIN Pieces (London 2015)

The Fountain of Youth 2014

Photos Lars Åsling A solo/ dance/ piece/ lecture/ performance/ research by Susanne MartinDuration: 45 minGrove Theatre, Middlesex University London, November 2014 The Fountain of YouthIs a core part of my doctoral research in dance, dedicated to exploring and questioning dominant views on ageing dancing bodies through my own improvisation-based dance practice and performance making The… Continue reading The Fountain of Youth 2014

Korsobad: on Stage (2014)

Photo: Steffen Rüttinger

Photos Steffen Rüttinger 07.06.2014Duet with Gabriele ReuterSolo (work in progress for The Fountain of Age)Group improvisation with all performers Ein Abend mit kurzen Tanzstücken, Improvisationen und Live Musik, kuratiert von Gabriele Reuter. Diesmal mit Solos von Susanne Martin, Maria Colusi, Lutz Streun (Saxophon) und Previews der neuen Stücke von Philip Amann und Gabriele Reuter/Mattef Kuhlmey.… Continue reading Korsobad: on Stage (2014)

Korsobad: On Stage (Berlin 2014)

Duet Todd Ford & Susanne Martin Korsobad: on stage : short dance performances, live music, drinks and DJ, curated by Gabriele Reuter 07.02.2014With: Lutz Streun, Gabriele Reuter, Zaratina Randrianantenaina, Susanne Martin, Annapaola Leso, Todd Ford, Maria Marta Colusi, DJ Montage

Meeting Point Berlin, 24.11.13

The Meeting Point Berlin 2013 at Kunstquatier Bethanien is curated by Mireia Aragonés Carol. The performers of Meeting Point on 24. Nov.: Mireia Aragones, Rosella Canciello, Naima Ferre, Henrik Kaalund, Florian Knoblich, Susanne Martin, Sarah Simeoni, Barbara Topi,

Dancing Age(ing) lecture performances 2013

21 November 2013 18800 Bewegungen und 1000 Worte, an deren Ende wir alle 30 Minuten älter sein werden – Ein getanzter Vortrag, Werkstattgespräch kulturelle Generationenarbeit, Berlin 12 October 2013 Dancing Age(ing): An improvisation-based performance of 18800 movements and 1000 words during which we grow 30 minutes older, Symposium of Society for Dance Research at Middlesex… Continue reading Dancing Age(ing) lecture performances 2013

The Fountain of Youth & The Shadow 2013

Photos Lars Åsling, Graphic Sophie Jahnke The Shadow and The Fountain of Youth – Two Dances on Staying Alive As a new step in their long-term collaboration Bronja Novak Lindblad (Göteborg) & Susanne Martin (Berlin) have created each a solo on the same subject: the facts of getting older and sustaining in the world of… Continue reading The Fountain of Youth & The Shadow 2013

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #5 #6 #10 Leicester

#530.10.2011 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Jo Breslin, Sally Doughty, Marie Fitzpatrick & Kerry Francksen #627.11.2011 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Pete Shenton, Miriam Keye, Annie Woodhouse, Rachel Liggitt #1003.11.2012 at Embrace Arts Centre, LeicesterSalon Guests: Caroline Bowditch, Jo Breslin, Jill Cowley & Sally Doughty Thank you for the support of Embrace Arts… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #5 #6 #10 Leicester

Hoppalappa Postfolki Tanzi Teateri 2008 – 2012

An improvisational performance project byKatarina Eriksson (San Francisco)Susanne Martin (Berlin)Bronja Novak Lindblad (Gothenburg)Coaching: Andrew MorrishProduction: Big WindSupported by: the city of Gothenburg and Statens Kulturråd The studio version:Sept. 2008, Konstepidemin Gothenburg The stage version:Premiered 23.5.2009, Atalante, GothenburgPerformance time: 75 minLight: Victor WendinTouring: Stockholm, Malmö, Berlin The site specific version:June 2012 in Gothenburg At the intersection… Continue reading Hoppalappa Postfolki Tanzi Teateri 2008 – 2012

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #9 Ein Abtakt – TanzHochZwei Festival

Die Körper der letzten Tage – Ein Abtakt 15.04.2012 at Tanzfabrik BerlinSalon Guests: Vincent Bozek und Sophie Jahnke A second evening on transforming body and shifting dance practices. This time Susi and Gabi throw themselves and their own current practice of improvisation on the stage working on recipes from two weeks workshops, rehearsals, lectures and… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #9 Ein Abtakt – TanzHochZwei Festival

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #8 Ein Auftakt – Tanz Hoch Zwei Festival

Photos AnnA Stein

“Die Körper des Tages – Ein Auftakt” 31.03.2012 at Tanzfabrik BerlinSalon Gäste: Dieter Baumann, Shannon Cooney, Christa Flaig, Marion Glöggler, Kirstin Heinrich, Jutta Hell, Sophie Jahnke, Gisela Müller, Ludger Orlok, Britta Pudelko, AnnA Stein This salon invites teachers of this year‘s workshop program and the Tanzfabrik team to devote their improvisations to the topic of… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #8 Ein Auftakt – Tanz Hoch Zwei Festival

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #7 Plymouth

Salon Guest: Adam Benjamin29.11.2011 at Plymouth University After four editions in Berlin with such wonderful guests as Amos Hetz (Jerusalem), Andreas Mueller (Berlin), Rosalind Crisp (Paris) and Hodworks (Budapest), Susi‘s and Gabi’s Salon resides this autumn in Leicester and Plymouth, meeting improvisation based artists from the UK and the famously playful and witty British audience.

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #4 The A-word: Ageing 2011

Salon Guest: Amos Hetz04.09.2011 at Tanzfabrik Berlin Amos Hetz is a dancer and movement teacher, looking for expanding his movement vocabulary through the use of the Eshkol Wachman Movement Notation and the heritage of the somatic learning. He composes solo dances, dance-collaborations, and movement games. For the last 22 years he was artistic director of… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #4 The A-word: Ageing 2011

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #2 Berlin

100 Fragen an die Improvisation Salon Guest: Andreas Albert Müller04.06.2011, Tanzfabrik Berlin In der zweiten Ausgabe ist Andreas Albert Müller aus Berlin zu Gast, den wir gebeten haben, etwas von seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Rosalind Crisps choreographischen Methoden vorzustellen.Tanzen aktualisiert sich dauernd durch tanzendes Befragen, Denken und Tanzen laufen ineinander. Das Bewegen spannt sich auf zwischen… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #2 Berlin

Susi & Gabi’s Salon #1 Berlin

100 Fragen an die Improvisation Salon Guests: Hodworks (Budapest): Emese Cuhorka, Júlia Garai, Júlia Hadi, Adrienn Hód, Csaba Molnàr08.05.2011, Tanzfabrik Berlin Ein Salon in dem sich Gabriele Reuter und Susanne Martin auf verschiedenen Pfaden dem Phänomen der Improvisation widmen: praktisch, tänzerisch, theoretisch, mit Zuschauerbeteiligung oder mit geladenen Gästen. „Wir verstehen unsere 3 Ausgaben bis zum… Continue reading Susi & Gabi’s Salon #1 Berlin